Student Behavior Code
Proper student behavior is an essential element of a successful school program. California Education code 48921 states:
“All pupils shall comply with the regulations, pursue the required course of study and submit to the authority of teachers of the school.”
This student Code of Behavior was developed by the Local School Leadership Council, which includes the school principal, members of the school staff, and parent representatives.
General School Rules
- The school is a defined place for learning. It must be treated as such. A calm, peaceful atmosphere that is conducive to learning is required at all times.
- Students are to arrive on time between 7:30 a.m. and 7:55 a.m.
- It is illegal to bring to school drugs, medication (unless you have followed the instructions set forth in the Administration of Medicine Section), alcohol, dangerous objects, and weapons, including but not limited to firearms, matches, caps, firecrackers, knives, razor blades, toy weapons, and other sharp objects. Bringing such items to school or behavior related to these items can lead to suspension or expulsion from school.
- Students are not to be in the staff parking lot at any time.
- Students are to bring to school only those items that are required for classroom use. No toys or electronics are allowed.
- Gum, candy, soda, and glass containers are not permitted. Students are encouraged to bring healthful snacks/lunch such as fruit, vegetables, sandwiches, etc.
- Students are to bring money to school only as needed for school-related purposes.
- Cell phones are not encouraged in school. If phones are absolutely necessary, they must be turned off and must stay in the students’ backpacks during the school day. If seen or heard during the school day, cell phones will be collected and submitted to the principal. Parents must collect the cell phones in person.
- No one is allowed to be on wheels on campus. All bikes and scooters must be walked or carried while on campus.
Student Responsibilities
Students are expected to:
- Respect the authority of all adults and play leaders.
- Put forth their best effort in school work.
- Respect and be courteous to other students.
- Respect school property, including school books, playground equipment, and other educational materials.
- Wait quietly in lunch lines.
- Use appropriate manners in various areas of the school such as lunch tables, hallways, playground, and restrooms.
- Play only in assigned areas.
- Show positive sportsmanship.
- Walk on campus other than during instructed running activities.
Students are prohibited from:
- Putting their hands and feet on others, including fighting, playing rough, pushing, hitting, and kicking. This includes biting or throwing objects at others.
- Bullying, intimidating, extorting, or harassing others.
- Exhibiting any act of hate or prejudice such as name-calling, violence, or threats.
- Using profane language or gestures.
- Trading or selling anything on the school grounds.
- Damaging or defacing school property in any way, including littering on campus.
Parent/Guardian Responsibilities
It is the responsibility of the parents/guardians to:
- Read and discuss this Student Code of Behavior with your child.
- Support your child in fulfilling the student responsibilities and in understanding the importance of learning.
- Have appropriate materials at home for students to complete assignments.
- Help your child to form good attendance habits.
- Communicate in written form reasons for absences.
- Develop values in your child in the following areas: responsibility, cooperation, honesty, caring, school pride, courtesy, respect, and self-esteem.
General Discipline Procedures
Broadway believes in a progressive discipline approach, with an emphasis on reinforcing positive choices. Students who do not meet their responsibilities or violate school rules will receive consequences for their behavior. These may include the following:
- Verbal or written reminder/warning
- Loss of privileges
- Personal time away from groups to self-reflect
- Notices to parents by telephone or letter
- Request for a parent conference with the teacher and/or administrator
- Confiscation of inappropriate items
- Request for parents to be present in the classroom
- Personal behavior contracts
- Community Services
- Suspension and/or expulsion